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Northland College
Research Basics
Understanding your assignment
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Research Basics
How to get started with research
Understanding your assignment
Getting started with research
Types of resources
Developing a search strategy
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How do I search?
Finding books
Finding articles
Finding other resources
Citing sources
Social media and misinformation
Read the instructions
What is the professor asking you to do?
What are the parts of the assignment?
What type of product?
Long paper
Short paper
Creative project
Pick your topic
What ideas interest you?
Choose your favorite
Narrow your topic
Too broad - too many resources
Too narrow - not enough resources
Timeline calculator
Assignment calculator
Use this to create a timeline for your work so you stay on track.
Resource from Alverno College in Milwaukee, WI
Getting started with research >>
Dexter Library - Northland College - 1411 Ellis Avenue Ashland, WI 54806 - (715) 682-1279